February 09, 2020 15:00
UTS is one of the top Australian universities offering major programs in Accounting, Business, Computer Science, IT, Engineering, Law, Pharmacy and other areas.
UTS offers generous scholarships to Bangladeshi students. Come and meet UTS representatives to know about your admission and scholarship opportunities.
Please bring your academic documents for spot assessment.
Ms. Vanessa Joseph, Regional Manager (South Asia) and Dr. Alan Sixsmith, Associate Deal (Teaching and Learning), Faculty of Engineering and IT
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
House-01, 4th Floor, Road-04, Old DOHS, Banani
Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh
Tel: +880.2.9836178, 9836184, 9836186
Mob: +880 1833-103132, +880 1711 323255
Email: info@tpnl.org