Students who earn a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Healthcare Management at Florida Tech equip themselves with the knowledge necessary for real-world business environments. An MBA in healthcare management prepares graduates for careers in the health care industry such as chief executive in a hospital, finance director in a senior services agency, or the chief marketing officer at a health insurance company. The healthcare management option is geared toward the medical aspects of information management, with courses such as Legal Aspects of Healthcare, Healthcare Planning and Healthcare Marketing.
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Accounting prepares students for entry into a variety of fields in accountancy including corporate accounting, accounting information systems and governmental accounting, as well as graduate programs in accountancy, business and law. The accounting major equips students with basic and advanced accounting concepts, principles and procedures that prepare them for entry-level positions or pursuit of the additional educational requirements to become Certified Public Accountants. Candidates for a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Accounting must complete the minimum course requirements as outlined in the following curriculum.
The Global Management and Finance program prepares students for work in domestic or foreign-based companies involved in international trade or finance. Emphasizing the impact of national culture in shaping values, behaviors and business practices, students apply critical thinking to evaluate global financial issues related to currency fluctuations, exchange rate risk, and multinational investment and capital budgeting. Whether you want to be a global sales manager, cross-cultural customer relations specialist or an international entrepreneur, a global management degree from Florida Tech gives you a strong background in business as well as a valuable skillset in global financial management, cross cultural management and global macroeconomics.