Since 1964, Schiller International University has educated more than 20,000 students from more than 100 countries across its campuses in the United States, France, Germany, and Spain. Students at Schiller International University are taught how to become citizens of the world. Our international programs are designed to immerse students in different cultures, societies, and ideas helping equip them in their future endeavors.
Schiller International University transforms students while preparing them to develop into global citizens of the world who can meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Here each student counts, each student is taken seriously, and faculty and staff members support our students. Close attention is paid to each individual student and, more importantly, there is a holistic approach where equal emphasis is placed on professionalism and on the education as a whole for the individual.
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3842, 8560 Ulmerton Rd, Largo, United States
Some of the popular programs offered by Schiller International University